PatriotK9 Services


Selecting and training dogs for protection requires skill, knowledge of breeds, behaviors, and lineage. A solid and dependable protection dog will be confident and well adjusted, balanced and clear-headed, and not outwardly aggressive. Appropriate drives are utilized to encourage socially tolerant dogs, capable of managing all situations and environments. Let us help guide you in selecting and training just the right dog for the important job of protecting you and your family.

Puppy Development

Puppy Development programs are designed to keep the puppy learning about the world in a fun and positive way. This is equivalent to Pre K. Shaping and molding appropriate social behaviors and coping skills. We assess individual strengths/weaknesses and interests; and begin to nurture their inherent needs and independent motivators to outline our curriculum. We begin building important associations to help them learn the alphabet (in this case, their verbal and leash skills). This will start as our fundamental communication system. You can expect your puppy to learn important verbal reinforcers like “yes, no, good”. They will understand their name, recall/come, “go to sleep”/crate, “place”, “off”, “sit”, “walk”. We gear our program to help puppies be adaptable, happy and well adjusted in all environments and easily prepared for all phases of life. Ask our AKC evaluator to see if your puppy qualifies for the STAR Puppy Certificate upon completion of your program.

Basic to Advanced Obedience

Your dog learns expectations of them throughout various stages and environments of our day to day lives. We help them practice healthy coping skills to stressful obstacles or stimuli. We also teach them to use obedience games to navigate problematic impulses. The dogs know that learning is fun and teach them important communication skills that help your dog practice attentiveness and seek guidance and leadership from you. The dogs learn important skills like; place, sit, down, stay, heel, walking loose leash, recall, off, wait, go to sleep (crate), etc. Your dog will practice these skills in a variety of environments, under differing levels of distraction.


Patriot K9 is an active and avid partner amongst many professionals in the industry. We have been fortunate to establish wonderful connections all around the world, and bring you the benefits of those  extended Partnerships. We are always looking to locate and purchase specialty canines capable of meeting the highly-specialized and unique needs of our clientele.